B2B eCommerce for Novolux Lighting
Novolux is a manufacturer based in Barcelona specializing in lighting for large-scale projects through its own 4 brands with a great team of local distributors exporting to over 40 countries.

Project requirements & services provided
The project was developed on Magento 2 B2B adapting and personalizing the specific functionalities of its business: management of future stocks with the possibility of immediate sale, full real-time integration of its customer Private Area with SAP ERP for information on order status, shipping, re-orders, or creation of orders through a .csv file.

Development of a functionality that allows the client to adapt the stock forecast of the warehouse and purchase products that are not yet available.

We individualized the content displayed to website users based on whether or not the user is logged in. Banners, home page blocks, price calculation…

We developed new types of products with complex configuration: variations, colors, sizes…

Excellent technical solution at the service of product experience and product personalization for the customer.
- Enabled the management of future stocks.
- Integration of Novolux’s Private Area with SAP ERP, improving customer experience.
- Improved customer experience thanks to the implementation of a LiveChat system.
- Improvement of the shopping experience by personalization.
- Excellent technical solution by developing new types of products.
- Enabled users to get information on their order status, shipping or reorders.
- Successful development of Novolux’s ecommerce platform thanks to Magento 2 B2B.