Meet Ferran Verdejo
24 Aug, 2022 / 3 MIN read
My role in the company
As a COO my primary responsibilities include supervising the company’s daily business operations, leading key initiatives, and implementing company-wide strategies. To do this I work closely with department heads and supervisors, and report directly to the CEO.
Interactiv4 is in a special moment right now, as we joined the Wam Global Group this year we’ve set a growth plan for the next 3 years which is going to be super interesting in terms of scaling the company operations and a true challenge in management.
My path
Throughout my professional career I have been involved in a large number of technological consulting and IT development projects in the Education sector (knowledge portals, digital books, and eLearning platforms), and Pharma Sector (relational and product portals, marketing and digital strategies). I’d also had the chance to learn and grow in the fields of corporate communication, digital marketing, and eCommerce.
My earlier years started with a long career in hospitality before making the leap into technology. Many of the skills I learned at that stage have helped me understand, comprehend, and properly manage a client’s expectation at all times. Although that was a long time ago (I’m a bit old now) that stage was without a doubt the one that best prepared me to face the high level in which I am now immersed.
The things that keep me going
- My family to whom I owe and give everything, every day.
- My friends (among whom I am lucky enough to also have co-workers) and to whom I dedicate as much time as I can (quality time, smiles or tears, whatever is needed at all times.)
- Learn from the best and dedicate myself to my work with passion. I have never done a job in my life that I did not like (and I have done an endless number of different things (cook, waiter, gardener, painter, bank clerk,…)

The best part of my day VS the worst part of my day
The best moment is without a doubt when I see the team working at a high level under the guidelines that we have thought of and established together. Sometimes I stop to watch the team work (as if it were a basketball game or an entertainment TV show) and I take the opportunity to evaluate, think, assess, measure, learn, review, and give feedback to the team about things that work and those that can be improved.
There are no bad moments, only moments of fatigue, especially at the end of the day or the week. Our work is competitive and requires time and passion. Our family too. I often have the feeling that some days have less than 24 hours.
An advice for my younger self
I will use one of my favorite lyrics for this question: “be yourself is all that you can do”.
More info @ (Audioslave song by Chris Cornell (vocalist, songwriter and frontman of Soundgarden + Audioslave + Temple of the Dog)
An advice for someone who wants to pursue a career path similar to mine
The current work context requires constant learning and change. So:
– Don’t stop training and learning.
– Do not stay in a job where you have no future.
– And above all, treat your peers as peers. Take care of them if you want them to take care of you. Teach them if you want them to teach you. Smile at them if you want them to smile at you.
Life is short and our professional life is even shorter. Don’t waste your time. Invest in anything that makes you grow, and feel better as a person. The future is uncertain so it is better to be prepared and trust yourself.

Things that surprised me from Interactiv4
The people, the team.
Especially to the person who has created, transformed, and maintained the culture of this company: Ignacio Riesco. To whom, moreover, I owe so much for each and every one of the opportunities he has given me at this stage of my professional career.